Attention Advertising + Production professionals in Australia: is your free Bestads profile up to date?

We hope you, like over 280,000 other ad professionals registered on throughout the world, enjoy visiting the site regularly to check out the very best and latest advertising in all mediums being produced worldwide. Most of you will have your own FREE profile on and now is a great time to make sure your profile and contact details are fully up to date.
If you have worked on an ad that appeared on over the last 19 years, you will have your own profile on the site.
Check if your profile is up to date:
1. Go to
2. Click on the drop down menu in the right hand corner and select “people”
3. Type in your name
From there you’ll be able to view your profile and make sure your personal info and portfolio is correct.

If you have any updates you would like to make, or if you discover you have more than one profile request an account merge, or if you’ve forgotten your password, please email NOTE: Only we can upload photos so email Ricki your profile pic if it’s missing, or you want to update with a new one.
If you wish to continue supporting Campaign Brief and Bestads during this time, consider purchasing a BestadsPRO membership @ only US$30 per year ~ click here for more information.