LIA Awards 2023: Final days for first entry deadline – tomorrow Thursday June 15th

There are only two days left until the first entry deadline for the London International Awards (LIA) 2023 with the first entry deadline set for Thursday, June 15th.
No Late Fees. Ever.
Eligibility: Work submitted must initially be released, published and/or broadcast in a commercial environment with client approval from 1st July 2022 through 31st August 2023.
Who Can Enter: As most work is a joint effort, LIA allows any company or individual to enter work they have collaborated on.
NEW FOR 2023:
New Category: Creativity In Business-to-Business Recognizes outstanding creativity in the advertising and promotions of products and services that are purchased by businesses for use in their operations. These awards honor world-class creative work in the business-to-business sector.
Holding Company Of The Year: Points attained from winning entries within all competitions credited to the Networks and Companies within a Holding Company. Must have points from multiple companies.