Spirit Super urges Aussies ‘Don’t Be Super Stupid’ in new campaign via Common Ventures  


Spirit Super has launched its new campaign promoting financial literacy called “Don’t be super stupid” created by Common Ventures.


Targeting those who would do pretty much anything except sort out their super, the campaign inspires people to make those simple changes to their super that can have a big impact.

Says David Roberts, general manager of marketing, brand and communications, Spirit Super: “Our audience are hungry to improve their financial situation but are yet to take any meaningful steps. They’re financially engaged and curious, but when it comes to consolidating super accounts or making extra contributions, they simply put it off.”

Says Alex Don, account lead, Common Ventures: “Whether you’re the Australian Warren Buffet or reading the Barefoot Investor for the first time, most know that getting your financial house in order starts with superannuation. We want to help those that don’t, by showing that they can improve their financial future before the kettle boils.”

 To breathe life into the ‘done to death’ topic of financial literacy, Common Ventures worked collaboratively with comedian Alex Ward.

Says Brian Merrifield, executive creative director/founder, Common Ventures: “Extreme procrastination was our creative playground for this campaign. We worked closely with Alex Ward to expand on those moments when we’re consciously avoiding the thing we should be doing. Even though the situations are ludicrous – they’re relatable.”

Says Daniel Nutman, senior creative, Common Ventures: “Financial literacy campaigns are always a challenge. They’re an info overload and people don’t pay attention long enough for all the details. We simply wanted to trigger a thought through creative that’s uncommon for the category.”

Says Lehi Curtis, senior art director, Common Ventures: “As we all know superannuation is no joke, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be a bit LOL. ‘Don’t be Super Stupid’ works because it makes light of how most of us treat our super – with an unhealthy dose of procrastination.”

The campaign which will run across BVOD, social, digital video, display and podcasts, was produced by Common Ventures with James Crawley, creative director/founder, directing the spots.

Get super sorted with Spirit Super at spiritsuper.com.au.

Spirit Super
General Manager Marketing Brand and Communications: David Roberts
Marketing & Acquisition Manager: Allison Jongbloed
Marketing & Acquisition Manager: Kate Wales
Senior Marketing Consultant: Jorie Soderberg

Creative agency and production house: Common Ventures
Executive Creative Director: Brian Merrifield
Creative Director: James Crawley
Account Lead: Alex Don
Senior Creative: Daniel Nutman
Senior Art Director: Lehi Curtis

Director: James Crawley
Producer: Tim Russell
DOP: George Tyler
Photographer: Jeremy Shaw
Production Designer: Keira Blue
Editor: Ben Jones
Colourist: Yanni Kronenberg
Sound: Rumble Studios
Production Assistant: Rachel Ridhalgh